If you are looking for a last minute Halloween treat which is easy to bake, these brownies are just the thing. I simply baked chocolate brownies and decorated them with Royal Icing.
For the monsters you can buy sugar eyes*. If you have a little more time, make the eyes yourself, as they are
then unique and you can adjust them like you want. You can also keep them for later use. Use your white royal icing (250g icing sugar, 1.5 tbsp. meringue powder* and approx. 50-70ml water is enough for both eyes and brownie decoration). Simply splash spots of different sizes on a sheet of
sandwich paper and then press a black sugar pearl* into the royal icing. I like to use squeezer bottles* for this, because you can dispense the royal icing well. Now, as always, let them dry in your oven
on convection setting without temperature. You can find a detailed description of how to make the royal icing eyes in the Monster Cookies.
Once you have used about a quarter of the royal icing for the eyes, you can divide the rest into three parts and color them green, purple and orange. For this I use food colors*. You may have to thin the icing a little bit now, depending on how much color you have mixed in. I like to use a small spray bottle*, because you can easily add small portions of water with it. Before I applied the icing, I first cut the brownies in advance so that I can separate them from each other more easily later. The icing gets hard and is harder to cut. I then simply applied the monsters with a spoon and pressed the eyes to the appropriate places with tweezers*. Now put the brownies to dry the icing one again without temperature at convection setting into your oven and your Halloween brownies are ready.

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