It took me some time but I finally was able to try this meringue frosting and I have to say I really like as well the taste and also the consistency. If you like marshmallows you will also love this. I was a little concerned for the use of raw egg whites but I found for me the alternative of already pasteurized egg whites*. You can easily store it over month and you don't have to worry what to do with the yolks.
For the meringue frosting you use per egg white (about 30ml), 60g gelling sugar 2:1* and 40ml water. Bring the sugar and water mixture to a boil while constantly stirring. Lower the heat and let it boil till it comes to a temperature of 116°C. It is very important you check this with a thermometer*. In the meanwhile beat the egg whites and after the temperature of the sugar mixture is reached you slowly mix it into the stiff egg whites. Beat everything till you get a smooth frosting.

The meringue frosting is super easy to dye. I used in this case violet*, peach* and pink*, but just marbled the frosting and filled in different piping bags* with different piping tips*, alternating the colors.

Now decorate the cake with the frosting and add a few sugar pearls as well for decoration.

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